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So far samuel has created 34 blog entries.

Clean The Air!

Clean The Air! The air quality in Singapore is generally good but this doesn’t mean that we can let our guard down. We already know about the haze, but don’t ignore everyday pollution from

Struck By Stroke

Stroke comes in as the fourth leading cause of death, only behind cancer, pneumonia and ischaemic heart diseases. It accounts for 10%-12% of deaths and is also the largest cause of long-term

11 Crucial Minerals For Your Body

Often the most frightening symptoms are traced to an imbalance of little-known minerals. Let us find out more about the crucial minerals for our body. Together, minerals make up a mere

Floaters & Flashes

"It is common to experience both floaters and flashes because the vitreous gel degenerates with age." Have you ever looked up at the blue sky and seen cobwebs, lines or dots

Bone Up on Bone Health!

Your bones make you who you are, literally! They support your body, protect your vital organs and even play a part in storage of minerals and blood cell production. The bones in

Go Green And Be Healthy

Not sure where to begin your healthy weight management plan? Go green. Health knows no boundaries. Whether you are busy young adult or a retiree, it is important to keep fit and


Viral gastroenteritis, more commonly known as “stomach flu”. is an intestinal infection that can occur to anyone at any time, mainly through human contact. Causes The informal name ‘stomach flu’ itself

How has your kidney been?

How has your kidney been? Most people know how to protect their heart, but do you know how to care for your kidneys? As we grow older, our kidneys also start

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