All products are guaranteed authentic, direct from authorised distributors in Singapore.
  • FAMISHIELD is a pre + probiotics formula containing 3 Human-Residential Bacteria strains (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Bifidobacterium longum CECT 7894, Pediococcus pentosaceus CECT 8330), prebiotics (inulin) and zinc to maintain a healthy gut flora, promoting digestive and immune systems wellness.Benefits:
    • Promotes Gastrointestinal Health & Function
    • Supports Growth of Healthy Bacteria
    • Supports Healthy Immune System
    • Promotes Skin Health
    • Promotes a Healthy Digestive System
    • Supports the Growth of Beneficial Bacteria and Reduces Harmful Bacteria
    • Promotes a Healthy Immune System Including Gut and Upper Respiratory Tract
    • Supports Natural Immune Defences
    • Promotes General Health and Wellbeing
  • Post 1000 days of life, your child needs to develop thinking, conceptual and linguistic skills in their growing up years. Also, your childā€™s immune system affecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal health will be under constant challenges as the exposure to bacteria and viruses will be more frequent in the social and learning environments.FAMIKID is designed for the immune challenges your kid faces in the environment. FAMIKID enables better gut colonization by using HRBs that are compatible with human body. Formulated with Lactoferrin and high strength DHA, FAMIKID may help your kid to fall sick less often and learn better.Benefits:
    • Supports Gut Immunity
    Gut immunity plays a crucial role in sustaining childrenā€™s life in a hostile environment while their immune system further mature and accumulate immunological memories. ImmuGĀ® helps to support the gut and immune system, while Lactoferrin modulates the immune responses and promotes the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria. Lactoferrin plays a complementary role by eliminating bad bacteria and viruses. It also enhances optimal cell activity within the gut.
    • Better Brain and Cognitive Development
    Your kidā€™s brain continues to grow throughout childhood. According to EFSA, consuming DHA could benefit the brain development of children and young adults up to 18 years old. FAMIKID contains the EFSAā€™s recommended daily intake of DHA for children, one of the highest recommended in the world.Your gut and brain are connected through a communication system called the gut-brain axis. The gut and its microbes control inflammation and make many different compounds that can affect brain health (e.g. stress/anxiety, depression, cognitive health). Certain ImmuGĀ® strains (e.g. Bifidobacterium longum BB536 and B. infantis M63) have been shown to improve mental health. HRB strains are also reported to produce higher levels of a compound called indole-3-lactic acid (ILA) that is believed to involve in neuronal development during early childhood.
    • Improves Respiratory Health*
    In todayā€™s constantly evolving patterns of infectious disease, strengthening your kidsā€™ immunity becomes a crucial step to secure their health and ensure better learning journey. Common cold and flu (both upper respiratory tract infections, or URTIs) are among the most prevalent ā€œback-to-school illnessesā€ among Singaporean school age children. FAMIKID builds up immunity using clinically proven HRB strains (Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07Ā¹, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GGĀ², B. longum B536Ā³) and Lactoferrin that can help your child naturally combat the symptoms of common cold and flu.
    • Natureā€™s Alternative to Drug*
    Probiotics are used by pediatric hospitals worldwide for various conditions. The well studied ImmuGĀ® strains can complement the health benefits of breast milk that includes the best nutrients a mother can give to herself and her child.*As probiotics are not medicines meant for treatment of existing health conditions, please consult your doctor for advice if in doubt.
  • Understanding the health needs and wellbeing of mothers are our first priorities. We sought the advice of top gastrointestinal experts and made a breakthrough in formulating a range of probiotics using only clinically proven strains. The selected strains of Human-Residential Bacteria (or HRB) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains are known to be more compatible with human body and human breast milk* due to their human origin. These strains are also evaluated by the most stringent institution in USA to be suitable even for infants and granted with GRAS status.FAMIMOM is ideal for preconception, expectant and lactating mothers to promote healthier pregnancies and to maintain wellbeing after delivery.* Selected strainsBenefits:
    • Healthier Digestive Health and Gut Immunity
    Healthy gut has been linked to a strong immune system. ImmuGĀ® helps to support the gut and immune system, while Lactoferrin modulates the immune responses and promotes the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria. Lactoferrin plays a complementary role by eliminating bad bacteria and viruses. It also enhances optimal cell activity within the gut.
    • Supports Folate Production
    Folate is important for pregnant women as this can prevent birth complications. Not only can it reduce the chances of preterm complications during childbirth, it also contributes to the intellectual development of the child. Bifodobacterium longum BB536 is a key HRB strain that is known to support the production of folate.
    • Supports Iron Absorption
    During pregnancy, you need twice as much iron in your body. Iron helps the movement of oxygen from the lungs to the body including your baby. In addition, it helps in preventing iron deficiency anemia which can cause pre-term birth.
    • Promotion of DHA Level
    FAMIMOM also promotes DHA (an essential omega 3 fatty acid) in human breast milk. This aids in the brain and retina development of your child.FAMIMOM contains the EFSAā€™s recommended daily intake of DHA for pregnant and lactating mothers, one of the highest recommended in the world.
    • Improves Post partum depression score
    Your gut and brain are connected through a communication system called the gut-brain axis. Certain HRB/Lactobacillus strains (e.g. B. longum BB536, B. infantis M-63 and L. rhamnosus HN001) have been shown to improve mental health. Based on clinical studyĀ², L. rhamnosus HN001 maybe useful for the prevention or treatment of symptoms of PND.
    • Helps in reducing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
    GDM is high blood sugar (glucose) that develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after giving birth. GDM can cause problems for you and your baby during pregnancy and after birthĀ³. GDM increases the risk of pre-eclampsia (a pregnancy-related condition characterized by high blood pressure and protein in urine), miscarriage, pre-term birth (PTB), macrosomia (babies are large for their gestational age). A recent meta-analysis suggest probiotics can favorably influence glucose metabolism4. Supplementation of HN001 has been shown to significantly lower prevalence of GDM*. HN001 may benefit high risk mothers due to higher maternal age (more than 35 years) at conception, with up to a 3-fold reduction in the prevalence of GDM compared with women in the placebo group5.*according to the NZ definition
    • Helps in reducing bacterial vaginosis
    BV is a type of infection, caused by a change in the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina. BV is a common problem that can affect women and girls of all ages (global prevalence ranging from 23% to 29% across regions6). If you develop bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy, thereā€™s a chance of complications, such as premature birth or a low birth weight baby7. BV is characterized by the absence of lactobacilli in addition to presence of pathogenic organisms. In fact, the number of lactobacilli in the vagina of women with BV is significantly lower than healthy women8. Most scientific reviews support the use of probiotics in reducing the risk for or alleviating symptoms of BV.
    • Natureā€™s Alternative to Drugs
    Probiotics are safely used by pediatric hospitals worldwide for various conditions. The well studied ImmuGĀ® strains can complement the health benefits of prenatal supplements that supports healthier pregnancies and becomes the best gift mothers can give to herself and her child.*As probiotics are not medicines meant for treatment of existing health conditions, please consult your doctor for advice if in doubt.
  • FAMITOT is designed to meet the immunomodulation and brain developmental needs of young children aged 0 to 3 years old. The first 1000 days of life represent the most critical period for dietary interventions to improve childrenā€™s growth and development.Benefits:
    • Supports Gut Immunity
    The developing toddlerā€™s gut microbiome affects metabolism, maturation of the gastrointestinal tract, immune system and brain. During the first 1000 days of life, strengthening your childā€™s gut immunity may determine the optimal health of the child in the rest of his or her life.ImmuGĀ® helps to support the gut and immune system, while Lactoferrin modulates the immune responses and promotes the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria. Lactoferrin plays a complementary role by eliminating bad bacteria and viruses. It also enhances optimal cell activity within the gut.
    • Improves Skin Health
    Sensitive skin is a common issue among young children. Make sure your childā€™s skin health is well taken care of with ImmuGĀ®. The well researched, clinically proven HRBs in ImmuGĀ® are safe and certified GRAS by USFDA.ā€
    • Supports Brain Development
    DHA is essential for brain and cognitive development during early childhood. It is also linked to better vision, and reduced inflammatory response. Combination of ImmuGĀ®, Lactoferrin, and DHA complements each other in supporting the toddlersā€™ growth and development early in life.FAMITOT contains the EFSAā€™s recommended daily intake of DHA for children, one of the highest recommended in the world.
    • Natureā€™s Alternative to Drug*
    *As probiotics are not medicines meant for treatment of existing health conditions, please consult your doctor for advice if in doubt.
  • MilkaidĀ® Junior Tablets: MilkaidĀ® Junior Tablets contain lactase enzyme to help break down the lactose present in milk and dairy foods, allowing your child to eat their favourite dairy foods. Lactase enzyme improves lactose digestion in individuals who have difficulty digesting lactose.Features & Benefits:
    1. From 3+ years
    2. Free from artificial flavours, gluten, yeast or lactose
    3. Convenient when eating out
    How to use:Simply take two strawberry flavoured chewable MilkaidĀ® Junior Tablets with the first bite of any meal containing dairy food. The number of tablets can be adjusted to suit your child's requirement, but no more than four tablets should be taken with any one meal.Ingredients:Glucose Syrup, Lactase Enzyme, Flavouring, Anti-Caking Agent (Magnesium Stearate), Sweetener (Sucralose). Allergens in bold. 
  • MilkaidĀ® Drops contain lactase enzyme, a safe natural enzyme that is usually found in the digestive system. It works by breaking down the complex milk sugar lactose, into two more easily digestible sugars ā€“ glucose and galactose. You can now enjoy milk and dairy foods again, without upset.Features & Benefits:
    1. Add to milk to break down lactose into more easily digestible sugars - glucose and galatose
    2. Once treated, the milk can be used for cooking, on cereals or in beverages.
    How to use:Simply add three drops of MilkaidĀ® lactase enzyme to a pint of milk, gently shake, refrigerate for 24 hours and it is ready to use in cooking, beverages and cereals, hot or cold. Three drops will reduce the lactose by 70% which suits the large majority of people. We suggest you start by using six drops, giving 90% reduction and reduce each ā€˜mixā€™ until you find a level which suits you. We recommend that younger children start with 10 drops per pint giving 100% reduction ā€“ again reducing by one drop at a time.Ingredients:Liquid Lactase Enzyme. Allergens in bold. 
  • MilkaidĀ® Tablets contain lactase enzyme and are raspberry flavoured chewable tablets. Each tablet contains lactase 3000 ALU and is free from artificial flavours, gluten, yeast or lactose. Lactase enzyme improves lactose digestion in individuals who have difficulty digesting lactose. MilkaidĀ® Tablets are designed to work in the acid environment of the stomach and are convenient when eating out.Features & Benefits:
    1. Free from artificial flavours, gluten, yeast or lactose
    2. Convenient when eating out
    How to use:Chew 1-2 tablets immediately before consuming any food containing lactose. You can adjust the number of tablets you take to suit your own requirements, but you should take no more than six tablets with any one meal.Benefits:Glucose Syrup, Lactase Enzyme, Flavouring, Anti-Caking Agent (Magnesium Stearate), Sweetener (Sucralose). Allergens in bold. 
  • ColiefĀ® Breathe Easy Patch contains a unique blend of natural ingredients which offer a soothing solution for easy breathing. When the patch is attached to sleepwear, preferably near the chest, body heat releases essential vapours - beneficial effects that last for up to eight hours. ColiefĀ® Breathe Easy Patch has 6 individually wrapped self-adhesive patches per pack.Features & Benefits:
    1. Anti-inflammatory
    2. Contains natural ingredients
    3. Easily worn on clothing or bedding
    4. Last up to 8 hours
    How to use:
    1. Open the sachet carefully and gently pull out the patch
    2. Remove the transparent protection liner
    3. Apply the sticky side of the patch to the clothing, preferably near the chest area. Remove the patch gently at the end of the application
    ColiefĀ® Breathe Easy Patch is suitable for use from 3+ Years. Gently remove the patch after 8 hours. Do not use more than one patch at a time. Each patch is for single use only. Once opened use immediately.Ingredients:Mentha Piperita Herb Oil, Pinus Sylvestris Twig Leaf Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis Peel Extract, D-Limonene, Beta-Pinene, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Oil, Illicium Verum Fruit/Seed Oil
  • Vitamin D3 contributes to the normal growth and development of bones in children and the maintenance of bone growth in adults. It also helps maintain normal immune system function.Features & Benefits:
    1. No flavourings
    2. No added sugar
    3. No preservatives
    4. No colourings
    How to use:Breastfed Infants (Birth to 1 year)*: 4-5 drops (8 - 10mcg) every day Children (1 year to 4 years): 5 drops (10mcg) every day Adults (particularly those breast feeding or at risk of vitamin D deficiency): 5 drops (10mcg) every day *Formula fed Infants: No supplementation unless receiving less than 500ml Formula per day.Ingredients:MCT (coconut - palm oil), Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol).Does not contain flavourings/ added sugar/ preservatives/ colours.
  • Colief Baby Scalp Oil 30ml

    S$12.06 (excl. GST)
    Containing Rosehip Oil, Chamomile and Vitamin E, Colief Baby Scalp Oil is formulated, to gently moisturise and soothe your babyā€™s skin and scalp. Babies are celebrated for their super soft skin, but they can commonly develop dry or flaky scalps, particularly in the first year. Colief Baby Scalp Oil is formulated, with naturally derived ingredients including Rosehip oil and chamomile, to gently moisturise and soothe your babyā€™s skin and scalp. Simply massage the oil into the babyā€™s skin or scalp and this hydrating blend is quickly absorbed, helping to soften and clear flakes or scaly skin. Made with nourishing plant-based ingredients that are gentle enough to use from birth, Colief Baby Scalp Oil helps protect the condition of your babyā€™s skin.Features & Benefits:
    1. Naturally derived product
    2. Helps soften flaky skin on the scalp
    3. From 2+ months
    How to use:Pour a little oil into your hands or directly onto your babyā€™s scalp. Gently massage the oil into the scalp to moisturise dry flaky skin. You could also try using a soft brush on the scalp to help remove flaky skin. Caution: For external use only. Avoid contact with the eyes. Do not swallow. Do not apply to broken skin. Keep out of the reach of children. This product should only be used according to the usage instructions above.Ingredients:Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Rosa Canina Fruit Oil, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Oil, Tocopherol, Limonene, Citric Acid.
  • Sold Out
    - Cleaning Tablets 30s - Bearub 50g - Sniffly Nose Inhalant 100ml - Sleepy Time Inhalant 100ml - Steam Vaporiser After almost 40 years comforting Aussie families, Euky Bear knows a thing or two about sniffles, coughs and colds.Ā  Let Euky care for your little bear ā€“ from newborn babies to toddlers, kids and onwards ā€“ with this natural range of cold & flu solutions.Ā  Euky Bear Steam Vaporiser Starter Pack is a must-have in all homes, especially during the cough and cold seasons.Ā  The Starter PackĀ contains a Steam Vaporiser, Cleaning Tablets 30s, Bearub 50g, Sniffly Nose Inhalant 100ml, Sleepy Time Inhalant 100ml.Features & Benefits:
    • Ā A starter pack for all families to combat the cough and cold season
    How to use:Shake well before use.For use with Steam Vaporiser: In water Pour 10mL (2.5 capfuls) of Inhalant into empty water container. Add water to maximum fill line. Refer to your vaporiser manual for further use and care. Repeat as required.
  • Sold Out
    Euky Bear Warm Steam Vaporiser creates a soothing flow of steam to help loosen phlegm and congestion in the chest and nose for easier breathing. Adding moisture to the air also helps soothe a sore throat and dry itchy eyes for a more comfortable sleep. It is also whisper quiet for better rest.Features & Benefits:
    • Natural, all night relief from the symptoms of colds & flu, croup, bronchitis and hayfever
    • Australiaā€™s quietest vaporiser ā€“ whisper quiet
    • 14+ hours of operation
    • Safety features
    • Compact design
    • Suitable for all ages
    • 5 year warranty
    • Australian owned
    How to use:IMPORTANT: Please refer to full Instruction Manual and read carefully before use.1. Twist to unlock heating unit and remove. 2. Add Euky Bear Inhalant (not included) and Cleaning Tablet for optimal operation. 3. Add water to maximum fill line. 4. Re-insert heating unit, twist to lock in place. 5. Plug into power point. Place on floor mat at least 1.2 meters away from any person.Steaming will start in a few minutes of operation, and will automatically stop when water level drops below the minimum required amount. Switch off when steaming is complete.Care and cleaning The Euky Bear Warm Steam Vaporiser is easy to clean and maintain. To help keep the unit germ-free, simply empty the water container and rinse after each use. Do not use cleaning products. Also rinse the base of the heating module (do not submerge power cords) and dry all parts thoroughly before storage.For full instructions and troubleshooting, please refer to the instruction manual. 
  • A gentle room mist to help prepare your little one for sleep. Delicately infused with lavender and chamomile, this calming blend lets baby know itā€™s time to rest.Features & Benefits:
    • A calming room mist with lavender & chamomile
    • 100% natural oils
    • Helps prepare baby for sleep
    • Use as part of a bedtime routine
    • No nasties
    • Suitable for all ages
    • Australian made & owned
    How to use:Spray a fine mist into air or on linen/pillow before nap or bedtime. Allow product to settle before placing your little one to sleep.Ingredients:Blend of lavender and chamomile oils in a naturally derived base.
  • Sold Out
    A room spray with natural essential oils to comfort and soothe at bedtime, particularly during the winter months. Perfect to use in childrenā€™s rooms before day sleeps, for night-time comfort or while on-the-go. With natural antibacterial properties, it can also be used as a germ killing surface spray on toys, doorknobs and other household surfaces.Features & Benefits:
    • Helps the whole family breathe easier, in winter and beyond
    • With natural essential oils of Eucalyptus, Menthol, Rosemary & Oil of Wintergreen
    • Creates instant aromatherapy vapours that comfort and soothe
    • Use in childrenā€™s rooms before sleep ā€“ great for day naps too
    • Freshens, kills germs & keeps surfaces hygienic
    • Suitable for all ages
    • No harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances
    • Australian made & owned
    How to use:Personal Uses Room SprayWinter sniffles can make it difficult for the family to get the rest they need. Euky Bear Sniffly Nose Room Spray helps comfort and soothe before bedtime (or anytime!) providing instant aromatherapy with antibacterial oils Eucalyptus, Menthol, Rosemary and Oil of Wintergreen.Simply spray around babyā€™s nursery, childrenā€™s bedrooms or adult bedrooms before sleep ā€“ itā€™s also great for day naps, or even while travelling. Spray around the room for approx. 3-5 seconds. Allow the product to settle before placing child to sleep in the room. Note: Can be used in conjunction with Euky Bearub and/or the Euky Bear Steam Vaporiser and Inhalant for all-night relief.Household Uses Kill germs & bacteriaSpray onto surfaces including door handles, change tables, rubbish, nappy bins and toys to kill germs and bacteria. Hold can 15-20cm from surface and spray until covered in mist. Test an inconspicuous area first before use.DeodoriseUse as a natural room deodoriser to remove odours. With no harsh chemicals, itā€™s a perfect alternative to artificial fragrances.Freshen mattressesFreshen mattresses when changing the sheets on cots, childrenā€™s or adultā€™s beds. Hold can 15-20cm from mattress and spray thoroughly. Allow to dry for a few minutes.Ingredients:Eucalyptus Oil Menthol Rosemary Oil Oil of Wintergreen
  • A calming lavender based inhalant to help sleep and relaxation. Use as part of a bedtime routine to assist children of all ages drift off to sleep naturally. Euky Bear Sleepy Time Inhalant is specially formulated to be used with a steam vaporiser. It mixes easily with water, enhancing the benefits of steam vapour and providing all-night comfort.Features & Benefits:
    • A calming lavender based inhalant
    • Helps sleep and relaxation
    • Use as part of a bedtime routine to assist childrenā€™s sleep
    • Especially made for use with steam vaporisers
    • Mixes in the water to enhance the steam vapours
    • Suitable for all ages
    • Australian made & owned
    How to use:Shake well before use.For use with Steam Vaporiser: In water Pour 10mL (2.5 capfuls) of Inhalant into empty water container. Add water to maximum fill line. Refer to your vaporiser manual for further use and care. Repeat as required.Ingredients:Active ingredient: Lavendula Angulstifolia 50mg/g.
  • A calming lavender based inhalant to help sleep and relaxation. Use as part of a bedtime routine to assist children of all ages drift off to sleep naturally. Euky Bear Sleepy Time Inhalant is specially formulated to be used with a steam vaporiser. It mixes easily with water, enhancing the benefits of steam vapour and providing all-night comfort.Features & Benefits:
    • A calming lavender based inhalant
    • Helps sleep and relaxation
    • Use as part of a bedtime routine to assist childrenā€™s sleep
    • Especially made for use with steam vaporisers
    • Mixes in the water to enhance the steam vapours
    • Suitable for all ages
    • Australian made & owned
    How to use:Shake well before use.For use with Steam Vaporiser: In water Pour 10mL (2.5 capfuls) of Inhalant into empty water container. Add water to maximum fill line. Refer to your vaporiser manual for further use and care. Repeat as required. Ingredients:Active ingredient: Lavendula Angulstifolia 50mg/g.
  • A strong blend of eucalyptus, rosemary and menthol for steam inhalation. The vapours soothe nasal and throat passages providing comfort to children of all ages. Euky Bear Sniffly Nose Inhalant is specially formulated to be used with a steam vaporiser. It mixes easily with water, enhancing the benefits of steam vapour and providing all-night comfort.Longer Lasting Vapours The slow release base ensures Euky Bear Inhalant vaporises slowly and evenly for maximum relief over a long period of time.Features & Benefits:
    • Strong blend of essential oils for steam inhalation
    • Soothes nasal & throat passages
    • Provides all-night comfort for children
    • For use with steam vaporisers, steam inhalers or in a basin
    • Suitable for all ages
    • Australian made & owned
    How to use:Shake well before use.For use with Steam Vaporiser: Pour 10mL (2.5 capfuls) of Inhalant into water into empty water container. Add water to maximum fill level. Refer to your vaporiser manual for further use and care.For use with Steam Inhaler or Basin Pour in hot water. Add 1mL of Inhalant per 250mL of water used, or 4mL (1 capful) per litre. Breathe in vapours. To increase fragrance, add more Inhalant as needed.Ingredients:Each 1mL of Euky Bear Inhalant contains:Eucalyptus Oil 225mg Menthol 24mg Rosemary Oil 20mg Methyl Salicylate 5mg
  • Sold Out

    Euky Bearub 50g

    S$12.90 (excl. GST)
    A gentle, soothing Australian Eucalyptus chest rub that helps relieve a stuffy nose, irritating cough associated with colds and general aches and pains. Used before sleep, it helps make breathing easier. Although adult strength, it is gentle on sensitive skin.Indications: - Relief of the symptoms of colds - May reduce the severity of colds - For the relief of mucous congestion - Makes it easier to breathe - For the relief of muscular aches and pains - For the relief of insect bitesFeatures & Benefits:
    • Natural eucalyptus chest rub
    • Helps relieve the symptoms of colds
    • Gentle on sensitive skin
    • Breathe easier - sleep better
    • Soothes & comforts for effective all night relief
    • Suitable for 12+ months
    • Australian made & owned
    How to use:Head colds Gently massage Euky Bearub onto chest, back and throat. Repeat two or three times a day and before retiring for a more restful sleep.Coughs or colds Add 8g (two teaspoonsful) of Euky Bearub to a stable bowl of steaming hot water and inhale vapour covering head with towel. Take care children cannot spill hot water over themselves.Alternatively inhale using 2g in a Vapour Inhaler. Repeat as required. For added relief, massage Euky Bearub onto chest, back and throat.Muscular aches and pains Massage Euky Bearub into affected muscles for a warming, soothing sensation. Repeat as necessary.Irritation of minor insect bites Gently apply Euky Bearub. Do not rub in. Repeat as necessary.Ingredients:Eucalyptus Oil 6.0% w/w Eucalyptol 6.0% w/w Menthol 5.0% w/w Camphor 4.9% w/w Rosemary Oil 1.0% w/wEucalyptol The key medicinal component of eucalyptus oil.Menthol Has a stimulating and dilating effect on the nasal passages, giving the sensation of breathing more freely.
  • Sold Out
    Did you know the number one cause of a vaporiserā€™s poor performance or failure to steam, is mineral build up from not being cleaned properly? Euky Bear Cleaning Tablets contain special non-toxic ingredients to help keep vaporisers in top condition.Features & Benefits:
    • Maintains vaporiser at peak efficiency
    • Prevents formation of mineral deposits
    • Removes built-up mineral deposits
    • Special non-toxic tablets clean as it steams
    • Easy to use, no mess and fuss
    • Australian made & owned
    How to use:Euky Bear Vaporiser Cleaning Tablets should be used for the first operation, then every 3rd or 4th use afterwards to keep the vaporiser in optimal condition.In areas with mineralised, or ā€˜hardā€™ water use two Euky Bear Cleaning Tablets each time the vaporiser is used.1. Place the tablet in the centre of the water container BEFORE filling with water. Cleaning tablets are non-toxic so they can be used during normal operation ā€“ no need to run a ā€˜cleaningā€™ cycle.2. Add cold tap water to the container. Important: DO NOT OVERFILL. Fill only to the level indicated on the container.3. Run your vaporiser and rinse clean afterward according to manufacturerā€™s instructions.Ingredients:Active ingredient: citric acid
  • A daily dose of TLC. Your babyā€™s skin is just too sensitive to face the world alone. But your love can help it get there. Weā€™re super careful about our ā€œ""noā€™sā€ā€œ but itā€™s the ā€ā€œyesā€™sā€ā€œ we add that make all the difference ā€” plant-derived ingredients like Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter, and our NeoNourishĀ® Seed Oil Blend. Itā€™s do no harm plus do more good all in one bottle. Ainā€™t that what loveā€™s all about?Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, artificial fragrances or dyes
    • With NeoNourishĀ® Seed Oil Blend: our own blend of tomato, sunflower, cranberry, black cumin and raspberry seed oils
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Made with Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter
    • Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician & Dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Massage into babyā€™s skin as often as needed, especially after bathing.
    Ingredients:water, organic theobroma cacao (cocoa) seed butter*, cetyl alcohol, squalene, decyl oleate, organic butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter*, propanediol, organic glycerin*, organic persea gratissima (avocado) oil*, organic olea europaea (olive) fruit oil*, organic canola oil*, tocopherol, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, cetearyl alcohol, ceteareth-20, stearic acid, organic beeswax*, carbomer, sodium hydroxide, caprylyl glycol, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, sorbic acid, phenoxyethanol.*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • A daily dose of TLC. Your babyā€™s skin is just too sensitive to face the world alone. But your love can help it get there. Weā€™re super careful about our ā€œ""noā€™sā€ā€œ but itā€™s the ā€ā€œyesā€™sā€ā€œ we add that make all the difference ā€” plant-derived ingredients like Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter and our NeoNourishĀ® Seed Oil Blend. Itā€™s do no harm plus do more good all in one bottle. Ainā€™t that what loveā€™s all about?Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, artificial fragrances or dyes
    • With NeoNourishĀ® Seed Oil Blend: our own blend of tomato, sunflower, cranberry, black cumin and raspberry seed oils
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Formulated with Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter
    • Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician & Dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Massage into babyā€™s skin as often as needed, especially after bathing.
    Ingredients:water, organic theobroma cacao (cocoa) seed butter*, cetyl alcohol, squalene, decyl oleate, organic butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter*, propanediol, organic glycerin*, organic persea gratissima (avocado) oil*, organic olea europaea (olive) fruit oil*, organic canola oil*, tocopherol, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, cetearyl alcohol, ceteareth-20, stearic acid, organic beeswax* , carbomer, sodium hydroxide, caprylyl glycol, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, sorbic acid, phenoxyethanol, aldehyde c-14, allyl caproate, balsam copaiba, cedarwood virginiana oil, chamomile roman, cis 3 hexenyl acetate, coumarin natural cucumber oil, davana oil, eucalyptus oil, galbanum oil, geranium egyptian, hexyl acetate (c-6), ionone beta, lemon oil washed, lime oil, methyl cinnamate, caprylic/capric triglyceride, palmarosa oil, rose otto bulgarian, vanillin.*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • A daily dose of TLC. Your babyā€™s skin is just too sensitive to face the world alone. But your love can help it get there. Weā€™re super careful about our ā€œ""noā€™sā€ā€œ but itā€™s the ā€ā€œyesā€™sā€ā€œ we add that make all the difference ā€” plant-derived ingredients like Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter and our NeoNourishĀ® Seed Oil Blend. Itā€™s do no harm plus do more good all in one bottle. Ainā€™t that what loveā€™s all about?Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, artificial fragrances or dyes
    • With NeoNourishĀ® Seed Oil Blend: our own blend of tomato, sunflower, cranberry, black cumin and raspberry seed oils
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Formulated with Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter
    • Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician & Dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Massage into babyā€™s skin as often as needed, especially after bathing.
    Ingredients:water, organic theobroma cacao (cocoa) seed butter*, cetyl alcohol, squalene, decyl oleate, organic butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter*, propanediol, organic glycerin*, organic persea gratissima (avocado) oil*, organic olea europaea (olive) fruit oil*, organic canola oil*, tocopherol, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, cetearyl alcohol, ceteareth-20, stearic acid, organic beeswax* , carbomer, sodium hydroxide, caprylyl glycol, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, sorbic acid, phenoxyethanol, aldehyde c-14, allyl caproate, balsam copaiba, cedarwood virginiana oil, chamomile roman, cis 3 hexenyl acetate, coumarin natural cucumber oil, davana oil, eucalyptus oil, galbanum oil, geranium egyptian, hexyl acetate (c-6), ionone beta, lemon oil washed, lime oil, methyl cinnamate, caprylic/capric triglyceride, palmarosa oil, rose otto bulgarian, vanillin.*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • Wipe without worry. Itā€™s a problem as old as time: babiesā€™ most sensitive places are also the messiest. Well itā€™s about time for a solution! Hydrating and nourishing wipes that are gentle enough for faces, hands and bottom places. Our paraben-free formula letā€™s you wipe your wee ones while our skin conditioning ingredients gently nourish, putting us at the front of clean behinds!Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, artificial dyes or fragrances
    • Formulated with plant-derived ingredients
    • Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician & Dermatologist tested
    Ingredients:water, chamomilla recutita flower extract, vegetable oil, glycerin, lauryl glucoside, polyglyceryl-2-dipolyhydroxystearate, glyceryl oleate, dicaprylyl carbonate, sodium benzoate, citric acid, potassium sorbate, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, helianthus annuus(sunflower) seed oil,vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil, rubus idaeus (red raspberry)seed oil.
  • Wipe without worry. Itā€™s a problem as old as time: babiesā€™ most sensitive places are also the messiest. Well itā€™s about time for a solution! Hydrating and nourishing wipes that are gentle enough for faces, hands and bottom places. Our paraben-free formula letā€™s you wipe your wee ones while our skin conditioning ingredients gently nourish, putting us at the front of clean behinds!Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, artificial dyes or fragrances
    • Formulated with plant-derived ingredients
    • Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician & Dermatologist tested
    Ingredients:water, chamomilla recutita flower extract, vegetable oil, glycerin, lauryl glucoside, polyglyceryl-2-dipolyhydroxystearate, glyceryl oleate, dicaprylyl carbonate, sodium benzoate, citric acid, potassium sorbate, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, helianthus annuus(sunflower) seed oil,vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil, rubus idaeus (red raspberry)seed oil. 
  • Your babyā€™s world just got a little bigger! Itā€™s a big, wide world out there and your baby wants at it. Our SPF 50+ formulas provide broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection and glides on smooth for effortless application. Non-allergenic and tear free, so it can go on whatever part of your baby the sunā€™s gonna shine.Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without PABA, phthalates, parabens, fragrances, or nano-particles
    • Formulated With NeoNourishĀ® Seed Oil Blend: our own blend of tomato, sunflower, cranberry, black cumin and raspberry seed oils
    • With plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Perfect for high exposure areas and targeted protection
    • Broad spectrum SPF 50+ - UVA + UVB Protection
    • Water resistant (80 minutes)
    • Tear free & Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician & Dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Helps prevent sunburn. Apply liberally and evenly 15 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply after 80 minutes of swimming or sweating, immediately after towel drying and at least every 2 hours.
    Ingredients:active ingredients: zinc oxide (11.2 %), octinoxate (7.5 %), octisalate (5.0 %)inactive ingredients: water, caprylic/capric triglyceride, glycerin, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, vp/hexadecene copolymer, glyceryl stearate, hexaglyceryl polyricinoleate, polysorbate 80, phenethyl alcohol, glyceryl caprylate, sodium magnesium silicate, xanthan gum, hydroxyethyl acrylate/sodium acryloyldimethyltaurate copolymer, citric acid, squalane, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (raspberry) seed oil, organic lecithin*, polysorbate 60, sorbitan isostearate.*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • Your babyā€™s world just got a little bigger! Itā€™s a big, wide world out there and your baby wants at it. Our SPF 50+ formulas provide broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection and glides on smooth for effortless application. Non-allergenic and tear free, so it can go on whatever part of your baby the sunā€™s gonna shine.Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without PABA, phthalates, parabens, fragrances or nano-particles
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Formulated with NeoNourishĀ® Seed Oil Blend: our own blend of tomato, sunflower, cranberry, black cumin and raspberry seed oils
    • Perfect for high exposure areas and targeted protection
    • Broad spectrum SPF 50+ - UVA + UVB protection
    • Water resistant (80 minutes)
    • Tear free and Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician & Dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Helps prevent sunburn. Apply liberally and evenly 15 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply after 80 minutes of swimming or sweating, immediately after towel drying and at least every 2 hours.
    Ingredients:active ingredients: octisalate - 5.0%, titanium dioxide - 3.0%, zinc oxide - 6.0%.inactive ingredients: water, butyloctyl salicylate, neopentyl glycol diethylhexanoate , caprylic/capric triglyceride, stearyl/octyldodecyl citrate crosspolymer, polyglyceryl-2 stearate, organic simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) seed oil*, hydrogenated dimer dilinoleyl/dimethylcarbonate copolymer, glyceryl stearate, cetyl alcohol, organic cocos nucifera (coconut) oil*, organic glycerin*, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, organic butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter*, jojoba esters, stearyl alcohol, arachidyl alcohol, arachidyl glucoside, behenyl alcohol, polyhydroxystearic acid, xanthan gum, silica, alumina, ethylhexylglycerin, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, phenoxyethano.*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • Get rid of whatā€™s bugginā€™ your baby. Theyā€™re not gonna be an indoor baby forever. But before you have to deal with the mean girls and bullies there are pesky mosquitoes. So youā€™ve got this DEET free choice. Our blend of plant and essential oils (Citronella, Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemongrass & Geranium) is pungent to mosquitoes, smells great and is good for whole family. Weā€™ve got the creepy critters covered. High school? Thatā€™ll be up to you.Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, artificial fragrances or dyes
    • Formulated with essential oilsā€”Citronella, Peppermint, Rosemary, Lemongrass & Geranium
    • Plant and essential oils help keep mosquitoes away
    • A DEET Free Choice
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Shake well. A little bit of our plant & essential oil formula goes a long way in the combat against pesky mosquitoes. Apply evenly and reapply every 90 minutes or as needed.
    Ingredients:Soybean oil, rosemary oil, citronella oil, geranium oil, cedarwood oil, peppermint oil, lemongrass oil
  • Go forth and foam. A bathtub full of bubbles?! Oh, if your baby could high-five and do a fist pump right now. Good to know thereā€™s serious cleaning and skincare going on here. Thick, soft, bubbles gently cleanse from head to toe and rinses clean. High five. Fist pump. Woot!Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, fragrances or dyes
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Tear free and non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician and dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Add two squirts or more into a warm bath under running water for better bubbling. Since our bubble bath is with plant-derived ingredients, you may want to lend a hand by swishing around the water for even more bubblesā€¦weā€™re sure your little ones will love to help!
    Ingredients:water, sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate, disodium cocoamphodiacetate, coco-glucoside, lauryl glucoside, capryl/capramidopropyl betaine, solanum lycopersicum (tom, ato) seed oil, organ, helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, organic calendula officinalis flower extract*, organic chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract, organic olea europaea (olive) leaf extract*, organic olea europaea (olive) leaf extract*, citric acid, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, sodium benzoate.*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • Go forth and foam. A bathtub full of bubbles?! Oh, if your baby could high-five and do a fist pump right now. Good to know thereā€™s serious cleaning and skincare going on here. Thick, soft, bubbles gently cleanse from head to toe and rinses clean. High five. Fist pump. Woot!Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, fragrances or dyes
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Tear free and non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician and dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    • Plant-derived fragrance
    How to use:
    • Add two squirts or more into a warm bath under running water for better bubbling. Since our bubble bath is formulated with plant-derived ingredients, you may want to lend a hand by swishing around the water for even more bubblesā€¦weā€™re sure your little ones will love to help!
    Ingredients:water, sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate, disodium cocoamphodiacetate, coco-glucoside, coco-glucoside, capryl/capramidopropyl betaine, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, organic calendula officinalis flower extract*, organic chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract*, organic olea europaea (olive) leaf extract*, organic glycerin*, citric acid, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, sodium benzoate, aldehyde c-14, allyl caproate, balsam copaiba, cedarwood virginiana oil, chamomile roman, cis 3 hexenyl acetate, coumarin natural cucumber oil, davana oil, eucalyptus oil, galbanum oil, geranium egyptian, hexyl acetate (c-6), ionone beta, lemon oil washed, lime oil, methyl cinnamate, caprylic/capric triglyceride, palmarosa oil, rose otto bulgarian, vanillin.*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • Go forth and foam. A bathtub full of bubbles?! Oh, if your baby could high-five and do a fist pump right now. Good to know thereā€™s serious cleaning and skincare going on here. Thick, soft, bubbles gently cleanse from head to toe and rinses clean. High five. Fist pump. Woot!Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, fragrances or dyes
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Tear free and non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician and dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    • Plant-derived fragrance
    How to use:
    • Add two squirts or more into a warm bath under running water for better bubbling. Since our bubble bath is formulated with plant-derived ingredients, you may want to lend a hand by swishing around the water for even more bubblesā€¦weā€™re sure your little ones will love to help!
    Ingredients:water, sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate, disodium cocoamphodiacetate, coco-glucoside, coco-glucoside, capryl/capramidopropyl betaine, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, organic calendula officinalis flower extract*, organic chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract*, organic olea europaea (olive) leaf extract*, organic glycerin*, citric acid, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, sodium benzoate, aldehyde c-14, allyl caproate, balsam copaiba, cedarwood virginiana oil, chamomile roman, cis 3 hexenyl acetate, coumarin natural cucumber oil, davana oil, eucalyptus oil, galbanum oil, geranium egyptian, hexyl acetate (c-6), ionone beta, lemon oil washed, lime oil, methyl cinnamate, caprylic/capric triglyceride, palmarosa oil, rose otto bulgarian, vanillin.*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • Go forth and foam. To a baby, bath time is a crazy carnival of wondrous sights and sounds. But donā€™t be fooledā€” thereā€™s real cleaning going on here. Thick, soft, instant-foam cleanses from head to toe and rinses clean, leaving your baby ready for their next adventure.Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without: parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, dyes or synthetic fragrances
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Tear free
    • Foaming
    • Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician and Dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Use several pumps of our soft, instant foam on a wet washcloth or your hand. Lather, giggle, rinse!
    Ingredients:water, sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate, caprylyl/capryl glucoside, propanediol, acrylates copolymer, sodium lauroyl oat amino acids, glycerin, ethylhexylglycerin, citric acid, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, dehydroacetic acid, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, phenoxyethanol, sodium hydroxide, sodium phytate, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, organic cucumis sativus (cucumber) fruit extract*, organic chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract*, organic persea gratissima (avocado) fruit extract**certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • Go forth and foam. To a baby, bath time is a crazy carnival of wondrous sights and sounds. But donā€™t be fooledā€” thereā€™s real cleaning going on here. Thick, soft, instant-foam cleanses from head to toe and rinses clean, leaving your baby ready for their next adventure.Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without: parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, dyes or synthetic fragrances
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Tear free
    • Foaming
    • Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician and Dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Use several pumps of our soft, instant foam on a wet washcloth or your hand. Lather, giggle, rinse!
    Ingredients:water, sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate, caprylyl/capryl glucoside, propanediol, acrylates copolymer, sodium lauroyl oat amino acids, glycerin, ethylhexylglycerin, citric acid, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, dehydroacetic acid, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, phenoxyethanol, sodium hydroxide, sodium phytate, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, organic cucumis sativus (cucumber) fruit extract*, organic chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract*, organic persea gratissima (avocado) fruit extract*, aldehyde c-14, allyl caproate, balsam copaiba, cedarwood virginiana oil, chamomile roman, cis 3 hexenyl acetate, coumarin natural cucumber oil, davana oil, eucalyptus oil, galbanum oil, geranium egyptian, hexyl acetate (c-6), ionone beta, lemon oil washed, lime oil, methyl cinnamate, caprylic/capric triglyceride, palmarosa oil, rose otto bulgarian, vanillin*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • Go forth and foam. To a baby, bath time is a crazy carnival of wondrous sights and sounds. But donā€™t be fooledā€” thereā€™s real cleaning going on here. Thick, soft, instant-foam cleanses from head to toe and rinses clean, leaving your baby ready for their next adventure. Features & Benefits:
    • Formulated without: parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, petrolatum, dyes or synthetic fragrances
    • Formulated with plant-derived and certified organic ingredients
    • Tear free
    • Foaming
    • Non-allergenic
    • Pediatrician and Dermatologist tested
    • Product not tested on animals
    How to use:
    • Use several pumps of our soft, instant foam on a wet washcloth or your hand. Lather, giggle, rinse!
    Ingredients:water, sodium lauroyl methyl isethionate, caprylyl/capryl glucoside, propanediol, acrylates copolymer, sodium lauroyl oat amino acids, glycerin, ethylhexylglycerin, citric acid, trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinate, dehydroacetic acid, solanum lycopersicum (tomato) seed oil, organic helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) seed oil, organic nigella sativa (black cumin) seed oil*, rubus idaeus (red raspberry) seed oil, phenoxyethanol, sodium hydroxide, sodium phytate, organic aloe barbadensis leaf juice*, organic cucumis sativus (cucumber) fruit extract*, organic chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract*, organic persea gratissima (avocado) fruit extract*, aldehyde c-14, allyl caproate, balsam copaiba, cedarwood virginiana oil, chamomile roman, cis 3 hexenyl acetate, coumarin natural cucumber oil, davana oil, eucalyptus oil, galbanum oil, geranium egyptian, hexyl acetate (c-6), ionone beta, lemon oil washed, lime oil, methyl cinnamate, caprylic/capric triglyceride, palmarosa oil, rose otto bulgarian, vanillin*certified organic ingredient unless otherwise specified, product not labeled as organic
  • A spray with the use of lemon eucalyptus and lemongrass to extract essential oils that can avoid mosquito bites, and it has been proved by experiments that it is effective repelling mosquitoes.
    • Free of DEET and camphor oil
    • Mild and non-irritating formula
    • Suitable for adults and children.
    Recommended for ages 3+ months.
  • Holistic Way Childrenā€™s Eye Lutein Gummy may help to support healthy vision in children. Lutein is a potent antioxidant which helps to filter harmful blue light. Added with Beta-carotene, it is transformed into Vitamin A in our bodies and support healthy skin and eyes. Vitamin E may help to protect our eyes from free radical damage.
  • Holistic Way Childrenā€™s Omega 3 Gummy is a source of omega-3 fatty acids for the maintenance of good health. EPA and DHA in the Omega 3 may help to support healthy brain development, healthy vision and immunity.
  • Sold Out
    Holistic Way Childrenā€™s Vitamin C & Zinc Gummy is a factor in the maintenance of good health. Helps in connective tissue formation. Vitamin C helps in the development of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums. Zinc aids to maintain healthy immune function.
  • Sold Out
    Holistic Way Childrenā€™s Multivitamin Gummy is a factor in the maintenance of good health. Multivitamin may help to support healthy brain, eyes, bones, skin, gums, teeth, normal growth and development in children.
  • Holistic Way Childrenā€™s Calcium & D3 Gummy is a factor in the maintenance of good health. Calcium and Vitamin D help in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth especially in childhood.
  • Pinkk Baby Care Ionic Silver Spray is a non-irritant, non-scented and alcohol-free spray for young and tender skin.It eases irritated skin conditions including but not limited to burns, cuts, eczema, grazes, heat rash, infected wounds, nappy rash and sunburn.Ingredients Positively charged silver ions.Directions Spray liberally on affected area as often as needed.Storage Keep out of direct sunlight.Size: 100ml
  • The handcrafted soap is made from the finest natural ingredients and pure oils to ensure quality and continuing freshness. Omega 369 soap is made with 100% pure Calendula essential oil together with the finest natural ingredients like rice bran oil, emu oil and coconut oil which are all beneficial for skincare.Ingredients: Palm (Elaeis guineensis (Palm Oil), Rice Bran (Oryza sativa (Rice) Bran Oil), Coconut (Cocos nucifera (Coconut Oil), Purified Water (INCI Name: Aqua), Lye (NaOH) (Sodium Hydroxide), Emu oil, Calendula Petals (INCI Name: Calendula officinalis (Calendula) Petals), Rosemary Extract (INCI Name: Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract.How to use: Daily. In the bath or shower, cleansing and moisturising all over your body. Rinse off well.
  • Aquato Cream 80ml

    S$32.00 (excl. GST)
    AQUATO Cream is a highly moisturizing cream to help sooth sensitive and dry skin. With added shea butter and beeswax, AQUATO cream is an excellent choice for babies with sensitive and severely dry skin. AQUATO Lotion is a marvellous gentle lotion for your babyā€™s delicate skin. It leaves the skin smooth and non-sticky. Great for everyday use.
  • Aquato Lotion 150ml

    S$38.00 (excl. GST)
    AQUATO Lotion is a marvellous gentle lotion for your babyā€™s delicate skin. It leaves the skin smooth and non-sticky. Great for everyday use.
  • Fluimucil is an effective mucolytic agent that helps to clear sticky and thick mucus that blocks the airways and results in coughing. Not only providing phlegm relief, it also gives a supporting boost to your immune system with its active ingredient N-Acetylcysteine, especially against the flu virus.Place Of Origin SwitzerlandProduct Usage Fluimucil works faster to break down the phlegm, making it easier for you to clear your lungs and breathe more easily. Just dissolve, drink, and feel much better, fast! Fluimucil 100 mg suitable for children Age 2 - 6 years old.Ingredients Acetylcysteine 100 mg, excipients q.s 5g
  • Sold Out
    • 0% Paraben 0% Alcohol 0% Soap Hypoallergic Baby Hair & Body Wash.
    • Choosing the right products for a babyā€™s delicate skin means choosing top quality, highly effective, ultra-gentle hypoallergenic formulas with comforting textures and subtle fragrancesā€¦so the cleansing ritual becomes a beautiful moment of shared pleasure!
    • The gentle hair and body wash, enriched with cotton extract, sweet almond oil and moisturizing agents, has been specially designed to clean the delicate hair and skin of your baby gently. Her hair and skin is clean, soft and delicately scented.
    • Tolerance Dermatologically tested.
    • Made in France
    Expiry: 04/2019
  • With aloe vera and more lemon eucalyptus oil.Safe and effective bug protection for kids and grown-ups Enjoy outdoor adventures with your kids without the worry of bites and stings. A safe and effective aloe vera-based insect repellent containing lemon eucalyptus oil ā€“ a safe and effective alternative to DEET.Directions To ensure optimal effectiveness of the repellent, the lotion must be applied evenly on all exposed body surfaces before heading outside. It should be re-applied after 1 to 2 hours, depending on the level of physical activity, perspiration and exposure to water. Repellents must be re-applied after sweaty exercise or swimming. Patch test suggested.Suitable for Kids 3 years and up, teenagers, and adults including pregnant women. All skin types, including sensitive skin. Body and face.Full ingredients *Aloe Vera Juice, Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Extract, *Eucalyptus Citriodora (Lemon Eucalyptus) Oil, *Glycerine, Parfum (Plant Source), Xanthonomas Campestris (Xanthan Gum), Rapeseed Acid, *Lavandula Augustifolia (Lavender) Oil*Certified Organic Due to the high concentration of organic ingredients, there may be some variation between batches.
  • Cherub Rubs Skin Balm 60g

    S$20.00 (excl. GST)
    With sandalwood and macadamia oil.Soothing and smoothing, ideal for irritated skin Donā€™t let nappy rash make your baby cry again. A rich and nourishing cream for chapped and dried skin on the hands, face and body. The combination of sandalwood, calendula and chamomile oils work to soothe dry skin while organic butters and macadamia oil help to maintain softness and provide nourishment in the regeneration process.Directions Apply to chapped or irritated skin. Reapply whenever necessary. Patch test suggested.Suitable for Everyone from newborns to adults and pregnant women. All skin types, including sensitive skin. Body and face, including chapped lips, cracked nipples, chapped hands, peeled cuticles, chapped bums, and cracked heels.Full ingredients *Aloe Vera Juice, Cetyl Stearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, *Macadamia Oil, *Glycerine, *Coconut Oil, *Beeswax, *Shea Butter, *Cocoa Butter, Xanthan Gum, Sambucus Nigra Fruit Extract, *Sandalwood Oil, *Apricot Oil, *Chamomile Oil, Rosemary Leaf Extract, *Calendula Infused Oil*Certified Organic Due to the high concentration of organic ingredients, there may be some variation between batches.
  • For babies & up, everyone loves our Natural Hair Gel. Clean feeling, medium hold makes frizzies & flyaways smooth & stay in place. Strengthens & softens without sticky residue. Helps prevent breakage & detangle naturally. Free of added fragrance, natural ingredients smell tropical & yummy. For all hair types, including dry or delicate hair. Enjoy stronger, softer hair with Sprout!

    Professional Performance

    • For Thicker, Smoother, Healthy Hair
    • Strengthens, Softens & Hydrates
    • For Babies, Children & Adults

    Natural & Organic Hair & Skincare

    • Free of Phytoestrogens Lavender & Tea Tree, Phthalates, Clove & Musk
    • No Soy, Gluten, Honey, Peanut or Dairy
    • No Nanoparticles or Titanium Dioxide
    • 100% Vegan
  • Hard water, sun, wind & pollution dehydrate hair making it prone to tangles, frizzies & flyaways. Our specialized family formula cares for every hair type, transforming frizzies into ringlets & flyaways into smooth, silky locks. The safe, effective and natural choice for your whole family.

    Professional Performance

    • For Babies, Children & Adults
    • For All Hair Types & Textures
    • Rich in Moisture & Protein

    Safe for Children and Adults

    • Free of Phytoestrogens Lavender & Tea Tree, Phthalates, Clove & Musk
    • No Soy, Gluten, Honey, Peanut or Dairy
    • No Nanoparticles or Titanium Dioxide
    • 100% Vegan
  • Our sulfate free Natural Shampoo has added sun protection! Organic emollients detangle & make rinsing effortless, saving time & water. Scalp, hair & skin are nourished and healthy. Leaves hair shiny, hydrated & easy to comb. Parents & stylists agree it's the best color retention shampoo ever!

    Professional Performance

    • Gentle pH of 6.0-7.0 to Help Retain Hair Color
    • For Babies, Children & Adults
    • Detangling & Conditioning

    Sulfate-Free Shampoo

    • Free of Phytoestrogens Lavender & Tea Tree, Phthalates, Clove & Musk
    • No Soy, Gluten, Honey, Peanut or Dairy
    • No Nanoparticles or Titanium Dioxide
    • 100% Vegan
  • Our Scrumptious Baby Cream is irresistible, the whole family loves it! Not a sunscreen, but a soothing protective barrier that keeps skin soft & smooth as velvet. Our multi-benefit cream is infused with Natural Zinc for Environmental Protection. Insects don't like rosemary but we do because it helps calm and soothe sensitive skin. Non-greasy & extra hydrating for every skin type.

    Professional Performance

    • Leaves Skin Soft, Moist & Smooth as Velvet
    • For Babies, Children & Adults
    • Nurtures Delicate Skin

    Vegan Cosmetics

    • Free of Phytoestrogens Lavender & Tea Tree, Phthalates, Clove & Musk
    • No Soy, Gluten, Honey, Peanut or Dairy
    • No Nanoparticles or Titanium Dioxide
    • 100% Vegan
  • The champion of detanglers, our professional, QUICK RELEASE formula makes tough tangles history. Our number one selling Miracle Detangler is essential. Tangles release immediately making combing effortless. Leaves hair silky, soft & naturally fresh. Combing is fast, painless & safe. Glide through hair with organic & natural ingredients. Use any time for a freshly washed feeling or to calm frizzies!

    Professional Performance

    • For Babies, Children & Adults
    • For All Hair Types & Textures
    • Helps Prevent Breakage

    Natural & Organic Hair & Skincare

    • Free of Phytoestrogens Lavender & Tea Tree, Phthalates, Clove & Musk
    • No Soy, Gluten, Honey, Peanut or Dairy
    • No Nanoparticles or Titanium Dioxide
    • 100% Vegan
  • Our extra moisturizing cleanser gently washes away dryness, cradle cap, eczema, psoriasis, baby acne, heat rash, diaper rash & skin irritations. Rinsing is effortless with our extra soothing bubbles.

    Professional Performance

    • Say goodbye to Cradle Cap and Eczema.
    • Leaves Hair & Skin Clean & Ultra Soft
    • Gentle pH for Skin & Hair of 6.0-7.0
    • Naturally Helps Clear Cradle Cap
    Safe for Children and Adults
    • Free of Phytoestrogens Lavender & Tea Tree, Phthalates, Clove & Musk
    • No Soy, Gluten, Honey, Peanut or Dairy
    • No Nanoparticles or Titanium Dioxide
    • 100% Vegan
  • Our extra moisturizing cleanser gently washes away dryness, cradle cap, eczema, psoriasis, baby acne, heat rash, diaper rash & skin irritations. Rinsing is effortless with our extra soothing bubbles.

    Professional Performance

    • Say goodbye to Cradle Cap and Eczema.
    • Leaves Hair & Skin Clean & Ultra Soft
    • Gentle pH for Skin & Hair of 6.0-7.0
    • Naturally Helps Clear Cradle Cap
    Safe for Children and Adults
    • Free of Phytoestrogens Lavender & Tea Tree, Phthalates, Clove & Musk
    • No Soy, Gluten, Honey, Peanut or Dairy
    • No Nanoparticles or Titanium Dioxide
    • 100% Vegan
  • Sold Out
    For adults and children above 3 years old.Outdoor enthusiasts know that when the going gets tough, so should their insect repellent. However extreme the activity or terrain, there's a Repel insect repellent designed to offer dependable and long-lasting coverage. Repel products make effective mosquito protection simple under any circumstance - so you can heed the call of the wild wherever the trail takes you.Benefits:
    • Repels mosquitoes that may transmit the Chikungunya, Zika, Dengue and West Nile viruses
    • Repels mosquitoes for up to 6 hours
    • DEET-free
    • Cool, refreshing scent
    Key Ingredients:The active ingredient in Repel Plant-Based Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent2 is derived from the leaves of the Eucalyptus citriodora tree.
  • Expiry: 06/2020This natural & gentle SPF 30 sunscreen integrates non-nano zinc oxide with red raspberry oil and soothing organic aloe and provide daily broad spectrum protection from harmful UVA and UVB rays while hydrating skin.Directions: Apply liberally to all exposed skin at least 15 minutes before sun exposure. Re apply every 2 hours or as often as needed.Benefits:
    • Safe for both babies and adults
    • Comes with a special designed pump for easy, clean, pre-measured application to prevent wasting, great when traveling
    • Great for all skin types including the most sensitive
    • Fragrance- free, it doesnā€™t burn the eyes : it can be used on eye lids and lips
    • It is 2-in 1: it means it is both moisturizer and sunscreen
    • Use sunscreen every day ā€“ even on the cloudy days
    • Water resistant up to 80 minutes.
    Key Ingredients:
    • Non-Nano Zinc Oxide ā€“ one of the best natural mineral sunscreens around
    • Red Raspberry Seed Oil ā€“ has the highest SPF of all plants
    • Organic Aloe Vera Juice ā€“ calming and soothing properties
  • Sold Out
    Expiry: 09/2018Enjoy the outdoors without being eaten alive! Bug Away Repellent Spray keeps bugs away, using only organic, natural ingredients such as organic lemongrass and citronella, well known for their safe and effective bug repellent properties. Non-toxic, DEET free, non-chemical, hypoallergenic formula repels fleas, mosquitoes, ticks and biting flies. The secret of natural bug protection is frequent reapplication and the scent. A wonderful alternative to toxic bug repellent chemicals as DEET. Now USDA certified organic! Safe for babies, kids and adults too! For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes.Directions: Spray directly onto skin, reapply generously and often including hair and face. When using on the face spray onto fingertips first and apply.Benefits:
    • For head to toe, avoid contact with eyes
    • Pleasant scent
    • Non-irritating
    • Repellency is based on scent - reapply generously and often
    • Made with organic and sustainably grown ingredients
    • Fine-mist sprayer allows for directed application
    • Only plant-based ingredients-no chemicals
    Key Ingredients:Organic Citronella and Lemongrass (known for their safe and effective bug repellent properties)
  • Sold Out
    Expiry: 05/2018This highly effective, 100% natural balm is specially formulated for delicate baby's skin that suffers from diaper rash and prickly heat. It keeps your little one dry and comfortable by creating a moisture repellent barrier. Our triple protection formula with colloidal oatmeal works in the same way as zinc oxide without leaving a messy residue on the skin. Great "first-aid in a stick" for the entire family. Hypoallergenic and pediatrician approved; cloth diaper safe too!Benefits:
    • helps keep baby dry, comfortable and cool by creating moisture repellent barrier between skin and the source of irritation
    • for skin that suffers breakouts & prickly heat
    • easy tool-up tube
    • travel friendly, perfect to stash in the purse, diaper bag or backpack for handy use
    • ideal for newborns and up
    • healthier than petroleum
    • excellent as a boo boo stick
    • food grade ingredients
    Key Ingredients:
    • Colloidal Oatmeal - soothes and promotes skin healing
    • Shea Butter - excellent softening and moisturizing properties
    • Calendula infused olive oil - regenerates damaged skin tissue
    • Tea Tree Essential oil - anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal benefits
  • Sold Out
    Ultra-rich cream, specially formulated for drool rash and irritated skin with healing calendula, evening primrose and chamomile extracts. Easily absorbed into skin to soothe dry, itchy skin, eczema, winter cheeks, as well as other minor skin irritations while providing long-lasting hydration. Feel the difference of soft, smooth skin and a happy baby! For face and body; hypoallergenic & pediatrician approved. Nature's first aid, excellent for dermatitis too!Directions: To use, twist base of tube and apply onto a clean, dry face, body and scalp, twice a day or as often as needed. For best results, use with our Soothing Oat & Milky Bath or One of our Baby & Kids Wash & Shampoo's.Benefits:
    • for face & body
    • hypoallergenic & pediatrician approved
    • nature's first aid, excellent for dermatitis too
    • food grade ingredients
    • easy roll-up tube
    • travel friendly
    Key Ingredients:
    • Evening Primrose oil- promotes skin healing
    • Jojoba oil - excellent softening and moisturizing properties
    • Calendula oil - regenerates damaged skin tissue
    • Chamomile oil - anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties
  • Sold Out
    Expiry: 05/2020Extraordinary 100% natural care for your baby's skin, from head to toe, with healing powers of organic evening primrose and jojoba oils. Easily absorbed into skin, to soothe dry, itchy skin, cradle cap, winter cheeks, as well as other minor skin irritations while providing long lasting hydration. Also a great make-up remover for moms! Hypoallergenic and fragrance free for infants, kids & sensitive adults.Note: If you wish to add a scent, use up to 5 drops of Organic Mommy And Baby Calming Aromatherapy Oil and shake well.Directions: Spray a small amount of oil in your hand and gently apply over face, body and scalp area. For infant massage, warm oil between your hands and massage in gentle strokes to calm a fussy baby and strengthen the bond between parent and child. For cradle cap, rub oil on baby's scalp and leave on for 15 minutes. Then gently brush out the flakes with a soft baby brush. For best results, follow with our Soothe Me or Happy Time Body Wash & Shampoo.Benefits:
    • for face, body and scalp
    • excellent after bath massage oil
    • pediatrician approved
    • nature's first aid, excellent for dermatitis too
    • food grade ingredients
    • free of nut oils, gluten, dairy, oat or soy
    • convenient spray application
    • natural makeup remover
    Key Ingredients:
    • Evening Primrose oil- maintains healthy skin cells, reduces redness and irritations
    • Jojoba oil- seals in moisture
    • Safflower oil- soothes and protects delicate skin
  • Sold Out
    Expiry: 07/2019Favorite amongst moms that write to us daily - our Baby Best Daily Essential Lotion is truly one of the kind, it features long-lasting hydrating and skin protecting properties for the most delicate skin from day one, with healing tamanu oil, hydrating coconut & olive oil and calming aloe vera & green tea extracts.Non-greasy, with silky - smooth texture, it is easily absorbed into skin to soothe dry, itchy skin, eczema or other minor skin irritations that may occur in baby's first year. A hint of pure sweet orange essential oil to refresh and calm senses. Now comes in 2 different sizes 5 oz and 8 oz.Our Baby's Best Daily Essential Lotion uses a new, premium natural emulsifying system (Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate, Cetyl Palmitate and Palm Stearic Acid) that is accepted and approved for use in natural products that are made with ecological and organic standards.Directions: Pump small amount of lotion in your hand and gently apply over face and body after bath or shower. For best results use daily as needed a.m / p.m.Tip: A little goes a long way. Comes in the large bottle that will last approximately 4 months with daily use.Benefits:
    • for everyday use after bath or before bed time
    • great for eczema and minor skin irritations
    • free of any chemicals or synthetic preservatives
    • made of gentle, plant-based ingredients only
    • lightly infused with pure organic aromatherapy oils
    • approximately 120 applications ( large size)
    Key Ingredients:
    • Madagascar Tamanu oil ā€“ extremely high in GLA (gamma linolenic acid), prevents skin redness and irritations
    • Coconut and Olive oil ā€“ seals in moisture, prevents TEWL (trans-epidermal water loss)
    • Aloe Vera and Green Tea extracts ā€“ nourishing and soothing
  • Sold Out
    An amazing head to toe baby wash, made with extra mild organic olive oil and fresh herbal extracts, without any detergents, chemical preservatives, dyes or fragrances to allow the skin to build immunity naturally from day 1, while nourishing, soothing and protecting baby's skin. Washes out instantaneously from hair. Gentle enough for children with eczema, and very sensitive adults. Comes with a convenient foaming pump. Hypoallergenic and fragrance free. For cradle cap use in conjunction with Tippy Toes Calming Baby Oil. Free of all petrochemical, synthetic surfactants, foaming agents, formaldehyde or phthalates.Directions: Massage one or two pumps of cleansing foam onto damp body and scalp, avoiding eye area, then rinse thoroughly. Follow with Tippy Toes Calming Baby Oil or Happy Baby Soothing Stick.Benefits:
    • hypoallergenic and fragrance free
    • 74% certified organic
    • gentle for the most delicate baby's skin and fussy baby
    • for cradle cap use in conjunction with Tippy Toes Calming Baby Oil
    • not a "no-tear" formula, there for it doesn't contain numbing agents
    • comes with ingenious self-foaming pump for easy application
    Key Ingredients:
    • Organic Olive, Coconut and Jojoba Oil - natural lathering agent
    • Organic Aloe Vera extract- helps reduce irritation
    • Organic Calendula Flower extract - rich in antioxidants, skin-soothing properties
    • Organic Orange Oil- fresh and uplifting aroma
  • Expiry: 08/2019AVEENOĀ® Baby Daily Moisture Lotion contains natural colloidal oatmeal blended with rich emollients that soothe and help protect your baby's delicate skin. The naturally nourishing, non-greasy formula absorbs quickly, moisturizes for a full 24 hours, contains no drying alcohols and won't clog pores. Itā€™s formulated to be hypoallergenic, fragrance-free and gentle enough for daily use on baby's sensitive skin.Benefits:
    • Absorbs quickly
    • Moisturizes for 24 hours
    • Pediatrician recommended
    • Natural oat formula
    • Fragrance free, non-greasy
    • Noncomedogenic and gentle on skin
    Key Ingredients:ACTIVE NATURALSĀ® COLLOIDAL OATMEAL: The AVEENOĀ® brand is most trusted for its use of natural ingredients. Oat is the natural ingredient most recommended by dermatologists. As a skin protectant active ingredient, oatmeal can help restore skin's normal pH and aid in the maintenance of skin's moisture barrier to help prevent and protect dry skin.
  • Expiry: 01/2020AVEENOĀ® baby wash and shampoo contains natural oat extract, blends into a rich lathering cleanser that cleans without drying because it is soap-free and hypoallergenic. This tear-free formula can be used on skin and hair for gentle cleansing that rinses clean with a soft, fresh fragrance. Aveeno baby wash and shampoo is even gentle enough for newborns and babies with sensitive skin. Aveeno can be used every day to help keep baby's skin soft, smooth and healthy.Benefits:
    • Pediatrician recommended
    • Lightly scented
    • Natural oat formula
    • Tear-free
    • Gentle cleansing for hair and body
    Key Ingredients:ACTIVE NATURALSĀ® OAT EXTRACT: Carefully extracted from the oat kernel, ACTIVE NATURALSĀ® Oat Extract provides a soothing effect while gently nourishing delicate skin.
  • Expiry: 01/2020

    Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Bath features the calming scents of lavender and vanilla. Specially formulated for babies, this rich lathering cleanser is clinically proven to calm and comfort infants when used as a part of a three-step. Lavender and vanilla scents help relax your baby. It's the formula with natural oats that soothe and help moisturize the skin. Pediatrician- recommended, Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Bath is tear-free, soap-free, non- drying, and gentle enough for sensitive skin.Benefits:
    • Calming scents of lavender and vanilla
    • 3 step routine helps calm babies before bedtime
    • Gentle for babies with sensitive skin
    • Made with soothing natural oats
    • Helps comfort fussy babies when combined with a warm bath
    • Tear-free, soap-free formula
    Key Ingredients:'ACTIVE NATURALSĀ® OAT EXTRACT: Carefully extracted from the oat kernel, ACTIVE NATURALSĀ® Oat Extract provides a soothing effect while gently nourishing delicate skin.
  • Expiry: 01/2020Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Creamy Wash gently cleanses and leaves skin feeling moisturized for 24 hours. Formulated specially to soothe babies' dry, sensitive skin, this pediatrician-recommended wash with Active Naturals Oatmeal is clinically shown to moisturize and relieve dry skin. The oatmeal helps maintain the skin's moisture barrier to help prevent and protect against dryness. The creamy wash leaves skin feeling moisturized for 24 hours and is tear-free, fragrance-free, soap-free, and paraben-free.Benefits:
    • Gently cleanses and leaves skin feeling moisturized for 24 hours
    • Specially formulated for babies
    • With natural oatmeal
    • Pediatrician-recommended
    • Tear-free, fragrance-free, soap-free, and paraben-free
    Key Ingredients:ACTIVE NATURALSĀ® COLLOIDAL OATMEAL: The AVEENOĀ® brand is most trusted for its use of natural ingredients. Oat is the natural ingredient most recommended by dermatologists. As a skin protectant active ingredient, oatmeal can help restore skin's normal pH and aid in the maintenance of skin's moisture barrier to help prevent and protect dry skin.
  • Expiry: Oct 2019Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream is recommended by dermatologists to help care for skin with eczema. Formulated specially for babies, this pediatrician-recommended cream relieves the dry, itchy, irritated skin due to eczema. This Active Naturals Colloidal Oatmeal formula is clinically proven to moisturize and relieve dry skin, and is gentle enough for use on babies. The colloidal oatmeal formula helps strengthen the skin's moisture barrier to help prevent and protect against dryness. Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream is steroid-free and fragrance-free.Benefits:
    • Recommended by dermatologists to help care for skin discomfort due to eczema
    • Specially formulated for babies and gentle enough to use on babies with eczema
    • Soothing colloidal oatmeal cream for eczema therapy suitable for babies
    • Clinically shown to help relieve itching and minor skin irritation due to eczema
    • Steroid-free and fragrance-free moisturizing cream
    Key Ingredients:ACTIVE NATURALSĀ® COLLOIDAL OATMEAL: The AVEENOĀ® brand is most trusted for its use of natural ingredients. Oat is the natural ingredient most recommended by dermatologists. As a skin protectant active ingredient, oatmeal can help restore skin's normal pH and aid in the maintenance of skin's moisture barrier to help prevent and protect dry skin.
  • A Must Have for the great outdoors. The plant based ingredients in Tiger Balm Mosquito Repellent Aerosol safely and effectively repels mosquitoes. Aerosol spray allows for even coating, and provides hours of effective protection from mosquitoes on treated skin and clothing.
    • No Deet
    • Non Greasy
    • Fine Mist
  • VitaRealm PowerImmune Kids is a delicious fruity flavored chewable tablet, packed with 17 immune boosting vitamins and minerals, and 3 billion live probiotics essential for healthy growth and development of a child. These ingredients are full of antioxidants and goodness your child needs for stronger immunity. Take VitaRealm PowerImmune Kids today for a Tiger-strong body! Strengthens immune system. Protects against common cold and flu. Promotes healthy growth and development. 100% Natural. 360 Degree Immune Support for Kids. Fruity Chewable Tablets. No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Made in USA. GMP Product. FDA approved ingredients.
  • VitaRealm PowerEye Kids is a delicious, orange flavored chewable tablet packed with powerful antioxidants and all essential nutrients needed for development of sharper vision in children. It contains a unique blend of 10 clinically researched nutrients, including Lutemax 2020 (Golden Ratio of Lutein and Zeaxanthin) and Astaxanthin to support healthy eyes. Take VitaRealm PowerEye Kids today for Owl-sharp eyesight! 360 Degree Eye Support for Kids. Promotes sharper vision. Presents deterioration of eyesight. Replenishes essential nutrients for eyes. 100% Natural. Fruity Chewable Tablets. No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Made in USA. GMP Product. FDA approved ingredients.
  • A child's brain develops rapidly during the first few years and DHA and EPA are recognized as the essential nutrients required for this growth. DHA aids in proper development of the brain, retina, nervous system and helps improve learning abilities, while EPA is responsible for emotional well-being and anti-inflammatory. PowerBrain Kids derives from high purity deep sea fish oil, providing excellent source of DHA and EPA your child needs. Take PowerBrain Kids today for a sharper brain!
  • Purifier: Purify and scent the air naturally and safely with a proprietary air purification liquid and patented atomized hollow shage that removes formeldehyde, bacteria, pollution, odours and fungi to help reduce total harmful particle count in the air and protect baby's environment.Floral Water: A proprietary air purification liquid that captures and dissolves harmful foreign particles including formaldehyde, bacteria, fungi and unpleasant odors into the solution for safe, convenient disposal.Directions: Pour 20ml of lavender floral water (about 1/4 to "MIN" line) into the purifier unit. Add 8-10 drops of preferred essential oil blend and top up water into the max line.
  • A synergistic blend of lavender fine with frankincense olibanum, patchouli and natural tocopherol in a base of virgin oil to relieve dryness and itch caused by eczema.Direction: Apply on affected area when needed and use as a moisturiser, both body and face. Best used after shower.
  • Bright Vision is a comprehensive high strength formulation to support healthy eyes and vision. As we age or exposure our eyes to the damaging effects from sun or computer screens, free radicals can affect our vision and eye health.The ingredients in Bright Vision have been specifically chosen for their amazing free radical, antioxidant effects thus protecting the delicate eye tissue such as the macula, retina and lens from damage and helping to maintain healthy vision.This carotenoid-rich formulation contains vital nutrients that accumulate in the eye to offer protection from aging and damaging blue light to support healthy vision and reduce eye fatigue or strain.
  • Sold Out

    Babyions 100ml

    S$28.50 (excl. GST)
    Keeps baby free from all germs. A natural topical spray for babies that is effective with zero side effect.Application : ā€¢ Hand Sanitizer ā€¢ Nappy Rash ā€¢ Dermatitis ā€¢ Heat Rash
  • Premium Elderberries

    • Made from a unique cultivar of black elderberries with a higher level of naturally-occurring flavonoids

    Standardized BioActives

    • Full-spectrum black elderberry extract standardized to anthocyanins, which are potent flavonoid BioActivesĀ®
    • Gentle, solvent-free extraction method ensures maximum flavonoid potency

    Tested for Bioavailability

    • Our elderberry extract has been tested for bioavailability and activity within the body
  • For centuries the dark berries of European black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) have been traditionally used as a winter remedy.GreenLifeĀ Standardized Sambucus is the full-spectrum black elderberry extract.
    • Standardized, Bioavailable extract tested for bioavailability and activity within the body
    • From a unique cultivar of black elderberries with a higher level of naturally-occurring flavonoids
    • Full-spectrum, solvent-free extraction method that ensures maximum flavonoid potency
    Immune System Lozenge Formula is a great tasting remedy for adults
  • For centuries the dark berries of European black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) have been traditionally used as a winter remedy.
    • Standardized, Bioavailable extract with bioavailability and activity within the body for optimal effectiveness
    • Made from a unique cultivar of black elderberries with a higher level of naturally-occurring flavonoids
    • Full spectrum, solvent-free extraction method that ensures maximum flavonoid potency
    • Gluten-free and Kosher certified

    Kids Syrup Formula

    This formula is a great tasting remedy especially for children. It combines standardized, Bio-Certified black elderberry extract, echinacea angustifolia (root), echinacea purpurea (flower) and natural raspberry flavor with other natural flavors in a base of fructose, purified water, vegetable-source glycerin and malic acid.
  • Kordelā€™s Kidā€™s Vitamin C 250 mg + Bioflavonoids is a fun and easy way to provide your child with the benefits of vitamin C. Vitamin C supports health and immune system.Kordelā€™s Kidā€™s Vitamin C 250 mg + Bioflavonoids contains lemon bioflavonoids that support the benefits of vitamin C in the body.Formulation: Vitamin C 250 mg Lemon Bioflavonoids 25 mgDosage: Children aged one to three years: Chew half to one tablet daily. Children aged four to twelve years: Chew one to two tablets daily.Chewable tablets to be taken after meals, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
  • Kordelā€™s Kidā€™s Multivitamins + Lysine is formulated to provide your child with the daily requirements of vitamins essential for his/her growth and development.In addition, L-lysine supports a healthy appetite, especially among picky eaters. It also contains vitamin A, which is essential for healthy eyes, vitamin D3 for strong, healthy bones and teeth, and vitamin B5 to keep your child active and energetic.Formulation: Vitamin A 2,500 IU Vitamin C 30 mg Vitamin D3 200 IU Vitamin E 10 IU Vitamin B1 0.5 mg Vitamin B2 0.5 mg Vitamin B3 6 mg Vitamin B5 5 mg Vitamin B6 1 mg Vitamin B12 3 mcg Folic Acid 200 mcg Biotin 150 mcg L-Lysine 100 mgDosage: Children aged one to three years: Chew half to one tablet daily. Children aged four to twelve years: Chew one to two tablets daily.Chewable tablets to be taken after meals, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
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